Dear fellow graduate students,

My name is Arline Cravens (ABD - Washington University in St. Louis). As the graduate student representative, I would like to introduce you to a society, Women in French. The group’s mission statement is : de promouvoir les recherches sur les femmes écrivains d'expression française, sur les femmes dans les littératures et civilisations de langue française, ainsi que les recherches dans d'autres domaines liés à la critique féministe. L'organisation souhaite aussi faciliter l'échange de renseignements sur le statut des femmes dans les pays d'expression française et dans l'enseignement supérieur en Amérique du Nord.

The society publishes a bi-annual newsletter, an annual refereed journal and special volumes on a regular basis. In addition, the journal publishes the winning graduate student essay in the annual WIF Prize essay contest. WIF also holds a conference every two years and organizes two sessions at the MLA conference every year. Graduate student membership is $25 a year.

I encourage you to join as it’s a wonderful way to meet others nationally and internationally in our area of study and discover what is happening in our field. More importantly, WIF members are committed to mentoring graduate students professionally as we prepare to embark upon our careers and the members serve as an invaluable resource in that endeavor. I will be more than happy to answer any questions about the group that you may have and you may also visit the society website at: Please feel free to contact me by email at:


Arline Cravens